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7 Effective Ways to Lower Humidity in Your Home This Summer

As the temperature rises during the summer months, so does the humidity level in many homes. Excess humidity not only makes your living space uncomfortable but can also lead to mold growth, musty odors, and potential health issues. Luckily, there are several effective strategies you can implement to lower humidity levels and create a more comfortable environment in your home. Here are seven tips to help you beat the humidity this summer:

  1. Use a Dehumidifier: Investing in a dehumidifier is one of the most straightforward ways to reduce humidity levels in your home. These devices work by removing moisture from the air, helping to maintain a healthy humidity level indoors. Place the dehumidifier in areas where moisture tends to accumulate the most, such as basements, bathrooms, or laundry rooms.

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  2. Ventilate Your Home: Proper ventilation is crucial for reducing humidity levels and improving air circulation. Open windows and doors whenever possible to allow fresh air to flow through your home. Additionally, use exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens to remove excess moisture generated from activities like cooking and showering.
  3. Fix Leaks and Seal Windows: Leaks in your plumbing or around windows and doors can introduce excess moisture into your home, contributing to high humidity levels. Regularly inspect your home for any signs of leaks and promptly repair them to prevent further moisture buildup.
  4. Use Air Conditioning: Running your air conditioner not only cools the air but also helps to remove moisture from it. Make sure your air conditioning system is properly sized for your home and regularly maintained to ensure optimal performance. Additionally, consider using a programmable thermostat to regulate indoor temperature and humidity levels more efficiently.
  5. Install a Whole-House Ventilation System: Whole-house ventilation systems are designed to exchange stale indoor air with fresh outdoor air while controlling humidity levels. These systems can help reduce humidity throughout your entire home, providing a more comfortable and healthy living environment.
  6. Utilize Natural Remedies: Certain natural remedies can also help absorb excess moisture in your home. For example, placing bowls of activated charcoal or silica gel in areas prone to humidity can help absorb moisture from the air. Houseplants like Boston ferns and spider plants can also act as natural dehumidifiers.
  7. Keep Indoor Plants Well-Maintained: While houseplants can help improve indoor air quality, overwatering them can contribute to higher humidity levels. Be mindful of watering schedules and ensure proper drainage to prevent water from pooling around the plants’ roots.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively lower humidity levels in your home and create a more comfortable and healthy indoor environment for you and your family. Whether you invest in a dehumidifier, improve ventilation, or utilize natural remedies, taking proactive steps to control humidity will help you stay cool and comfortable throughout the summer months. If you need more information on installing a dehumidifier call Able Air Conditioning & Heating today to get your free estimate.